Friday, 4 July 2014



The group involved consisted of 16 young people between the ages of 10 and 21 – 11 girls and 5 boys. They were all from the Blackheath suburb between Belville and Stellenbosch in the Western Cape, a very poor area.
The church has been newly formed in the area and welcomed BL with open arms to assist them. They hold regular Sunday services, complemented by sessions with the youth. Although the young people ministered had a basic grasp of the Christian faith and even knew a few scriptures by heart, only one owned a Bible. It just shows the need for the Word of God to come into the hands of those that are so hungry to learn about Him.
The entire group was Afrikaans-speaking. Working through ‘Gold Life’ wasn't a major problem, but wasn't ideal and I strongly recommend that the BL look at an Afrikaans translation. This also goes for the junior material, ‘Friends Forever’. In the Western Cape the large colored community is mainly Afrikaans-speaking.
I believe young people enjoyed the course.  They learned about God’s love and the need for them to turn to Him and live a live devoted to Him. This is so important in their circumstances where they get exposed to the most serious of drug abuse and gang culture.
In light of the above, the poor of the Western Cape must be seen as a very important target area for BLSA. The poverty here is beyond description and we can do so much to make a difference in their spiritual lives – and thus their entire beings.

May God provide the harvest. These young people that attended the course and received the Bibles can also make a real difference to the people around them. Praise the Lord for His indescribable love and care for us as sinful beings, but His precious children...

Pure Joy!!! Receiving a Bible in Her Own Language!!!

Recently our office was visited by a lady named Regina. She works down the street and asked her employer if she could come to our office as we are closed when she passes. she wanted to know if we had a Zulu Bible available and what it costs.

I told her how we work. I could see the disappointment in her whole being. She does not have the time to do Project Philip. She loves the Lord and wants to hear Him speak to her through His word in her language. I went to fetch a Zulu Bible with a Zulu booklet and gave it to her. 

Wow!!! The joy this woman expressed brought tears to my eyes. She put the Bible on her head and and just started praising God. "Thank you God! Thank you Father! You love me! You love me so much!" This is what she said over and over again. I thanked God for making someone's day. What a privilege to be able to be a vehicle of give a Bible to someone from Bible League International. 

She left the office and I watched her. She was in worship all the way. Standing at the gate and praising God! She received something that is priceless!!!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Testimonies From Prison

Recently we received some testimonies that came from those who work in the prison. There are some ministers who use the material of the Bible League with the approval of the correctional services, in the prison as we all know it...but in South Africa it is called the correctional services.

It is called thus as criminals should be reminded daily that they are at a place where their wrong behavior can be corrected. Because of this the new material called "The Prison Bible", has not been cleared yet to use in the prison or rather the correctional facility. Please pray that this obstacle will be removed. The Prison Bible is a power tool that can be used to help and transform inmates.

In the meantime our partners are using other materials and these are some of the testimonies which was shared:
1. Language: English                                       Maysons Story
 Before I met the Lord Jesus Christ I was doing drugs and was busy with all the wrong things, my life was really corrupt. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour when I was in prison. He has changed me and I am now a new person and am now living for the Lord. I am now eager to learn about the Lord and build a relationship with him. The materials are helping me a lot to understand my new life now.
2. Language: Zulu                                    Veils’ Story
My life was terrible and I never knew the Lord but accepting God and getting to know him as my personal Saviour was the best thing that could ever happen to me. It was so good after I accepted him.

3. Language: English                                     Keenan’s Story
Before I met Jesus I had a rough life I did not know Jesus and I was a bad person. I just came to church not knowing what I will find. I now feel free and know that I have a purpose in life. The more I learn the more I understand.

4. Language:  English                                          Neo’s Story
Before I met the Lord Jesus Christ I was a drug addict, I came to know the Lord in prison. It was a little bit strange at first but I wanted help and am now a changed person. As I am taking the lessons it is less strange for me now.

 5. Language: English                                          Josephs Story
 Before I came to accept God as my personal Saviour I was an alcoholic and never bothered listening to anyone not even to my parents. I decided to  change my life and give my heart to God. Many things have now changed in my life and it feels so good to be a Christian. The more I learn through God's Word the more I am changing. Thank you Bible League  for the materials you are giving us.

6. Language: Tswana                                          Bernard's Story
Before I accepted Jesus as my Saviour, I was a robber and a drug addict and was also very deceiving. Getting to know the Lord as my personal Saviour was the best thing that happened to me knowing that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, I now read the Bible everyday.

7. Language: English                                         Thulani’s  Story
 I was a drug addict and I use to steal and buy drugs with the money I used to get. I accepted  Christ in prison by going to church and attending courses for bible study. I also first thought that I was a looser in life but since God came into my life I now have a better life which I am living, and that is a good life that God wants me to live.

8. Language:  English                                           Bandiles' Story
I was a trouble maker but very respectful towards the elders. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in prison and gave him my heart 100%. My life has changed a lot and only for the better and for my daughter as well all because I now am a believer.

Please pray for theses young men...they are still in prison when writing this article. May they continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many men and woman find the saving grace of God while serving time but when they are many cases...they forget to keep the faith. Please they need your prayers....Thank you.






Friday, 4 April 2014

Do All That You Can Do...While You Are Able To Do...

Recently Erin Menke came to promote the Prison Ministry Bible. There was great interest. Different ministries were represented at the promotion held in Mayfair. It was encouraging to hear that previous inmates are now ministering as Pastors in the Correctional Institutions (Prisons). The Prison Ministry Bible just arrived and we are eager to hear the testimonies that will come from this ministry...God is amazing!

After the meeting I met with two ministries which were working in these facilities. They came to visit our office that same week. The one ministry is now involved with five schools. They gave out 1500 booklets to the students the next week. The other ministry is working in a local squatter camp where they are having a Bible School in the area. This is the extra work they do to help people stay out of prison. This is amazing!

The school ministry in Mothlakeng is continuing and increasing. During the Month of March Pastor Israel Lechuti and myself took 1700 booklets to different schools which will start with the program after the school holidays. Please pray for the children that God would bring about complete transformation in their lives. We know that the word of God brings about transformation when the seed is sown into fertile soil.

We have at least 4 new partnerships for the month of March 2014 and we honor God. One of them is traveling to Cape Town and will be doing a missions outreach there. Our partners need constant prayers as they sometimes risk their lives just to go into a area and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just think about it... 3200 studying the scriptures...being changed...going home and making an impact in the lives of their families...their churches...their communities. This is an amazing thought!

Last week I went to a graduation in Sibukeng, accompanied by my sister, Melanie. This is a group of young people who are trained in a skills program which is integrated with the program of the Bible League. Young people are being taught that they can have all the success they want...but without Christ Jesus, it means nothing. It was inspiring to see young people having a zeal for life and a zeal for God and His word. Sixty young people graduated...this is amazing!

Let us do as much as we can do while we can do it...there will come a time when we are not able to do all we want to do. So work while it is still day...

Monday, 17 March 2014

Testimony From Okakarara

Okakarara Outreach
23 to 31 March 2013

From the outset we knew the trip will be stressful for the 2300 Bibles were heavier than we could provide.   But now it was drive carefully and persevere.   mere 100 km in Botswana in the pipe of the car exploded in the car overheating.   Thankfully it outside Kanye happen and we could go back.   2 men   have a pipe found they could customize and after 2 hours we could continue.   Our secure   at Outpost arrived where we stayed.   But first we back bibles in the border handed.  

Sunday afternoon at 13:30 we Okakarara. We drove through the gate and saw the group of people under the tree for   us to sit and wait. With the time they stopped at the car and before we can even think of climbing, the car doors opened out and we are warmly greeted. Then download it, unpack, discuss and plan before the evening service began.

From Monday to Wednesday we have the following six schools visited:   Water Mountain Secondary,   Waterberg Primary,   Okakarara Secondary, Okakarara Primary,   Okamatapati School and Okaepe School.  , we get the opportunity for the children to speak and then   share our Bibles to the children and teachers from.  The next few days it was so wonderful to see the children every day with Bible in hand come to school.

The principal of Waterberg Primary a letter given to us in which she asks for help for 23 orphans in the school hostel.   , there is need for clothes and blankets.   We have 25 blankets at the local Pep Stores will buy and handed over to her. It is with great gratefully received.

The number of children the child lessons in the afternoon to attend surpassed all our planning!   We planned for 100 children every afternoon, but by the second afternoon, 320 children arrived on day three and they are again more than 300. We had plans and planned to ensure that every child has a picture to color and the candy all week will hold!

We visited Okamatapati again a highlight avail.   while we restore the bibles in the car after school we visited there two women walked through the gate and asked them each a Bible could get. We gave them bibles   given and from there drove to the cafe for our soft drinks for sale on our way back.   Among the women who requested a Bible, there were working on a group of 5 women bible show.  When they saw us, they also come asking for bibles and that we're going to help the Lord to take.   Right there, in the shade of a pepper tree and seating for koeldrankkratte, we helped their hearts the Lord.   What a privilege!
Wednesday night, after the evening service, there was a request that we Lucia, a diabetic must pray at her home just across from the church.   We found her where she lay on the ground in front of her home, too ill to going.   We knelt by her and prayed for her.   Thursday night we were there again. She sat outside and feeling much better, even with our talk by the interpreter. Friday she said it felt like she was in a bag was closed, but now she feels free.   Her eyes are bright,  her smile wide, and she gives all the glory to God for her beteskap. 

We became good friends with Liezel Pienaar, the owner of the store where Okakarara all our   groceries bought.   At her request, our Thursday morning 7:00 for her and the staff   to visit the shop and a spiritual message.   Liezel Melissa and Christo (three of the five white residents of Okakarara) the   Thursday night service, as well as the morning of Good Friday attended.   they invited us for lunch and a delicious meal for us out.
During Friday's service, we prayed for rain.   , this is very very dry.
Elly, one of our interpreters, gave us a loaf of bread baked as the Hereros do.   was it for dinner and then as provisions for the journey started on Saturday. But even the last evening service and then we say goodbye. 
The greeting is heavy.   One by one they came over.   The lesser known give good wishes and say thank you.  then it is the celebrities with whom we have a few years to work: Jansen, Sammy, Elly, Michael.   rolled down and the words are few.
Ultimately, the greeting is over.   Alone in the apartment we set up for dinner   and we get our chance to swallow tears with Elly's Herero bread.
 Saturday morning we drove quietly left.   It is still dark and there lies 1500km before.
Two days after we returned to Potchefstroom, Jansen call with the good news that it rained.   Shortly after we left Saturday it had started to rain and it rained for three days.   Okakarara drenched!
The Lord is so faithful.

All thanks and praise to Him. 

People are hungry for the Word of God even when they are sitting next to the liquor store.

Inspiring Testimonies!!!


My name is Linda from the orange farm. I hereby testify to have attended spiritual up liftment training by Trasda Development Centre in partnership with Bible League. 
The training was life changing and inspirational to prepare one for the God’s plan for man on earth. All lessons are specially designed to prepare you to live a transformed life. Lessons on integrity. Discipline and decision making inspired me a lot. I hope we will get more materials from the Bible League SA and we are thankful to God with work they are doing.

K Zakathi
This was in deed a life changing experience, and it saddens my heart that there are people out who have not discovered their God ordained life and dream here on earth. I thank the Bible League for making these booklets available to the community. My life has been transformed from inside to the outer me. I feel blessed and loved by God that I came across this Book. This book is powerful and I pray that every person may go through it.

Maphoka Charlotte Sajake
I did not know there reason behind my existence, what is my purpose on earth; this has made me realise a lot about me.  I was a lost sheep and am now found. The truth has been revealed through this book. And I now know myself better.
Most of all I thank God for the transformation that happened in my life. I am now living God ordained life.

Nhlapo Stuurman

I attended the bible studied using the Bible League material (the gold life book) the bible study has helped me to discover myself and to acknowledge God in everything. I know understand the importance of salvation.

Manzi Mbali
I am now approaching life in a different way, I had a complicated, miserable life because of lack of knowledge, I now know and understand who am before God and who is God in my life. The God ordained life and dream book has helped me a lot and I thank all the people who are making themselves available for the work of God.

Jeanette Mamotshabi Sihlangu

I came to Trasda for computer courses and did not know what was awaiting me. The following week we attended the spiritual upliftment classes and did went through the book which made me realise I have not been applying Gods word in my life. I know now that my life has to be aligned with the will of God.

Amanda Makama
I can boldly testify that this book has transformed many lives in the group myself included. Thank you very much to the Bible League.

Lerato Jennifer Makgothi
The topic I specifically want to point out is about self-discovery. It has helped me a lot concerning my personality, decision making and other staff that I have not been ignoring. So many things are going wrong because of the wrong decisions that one made out of ignorance. I feel blessed to have come across this book.

Thank you so much, God bless

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Thank you Bible League...

On behalf of MES, I would like to thank Bible League for the Bible study material (booklets) that you continuously assist us with.

How the material was used in 2013 and how we are planning to use it in 2014.

·         2013

In 2013 we received the ‘Maturing Christian’ booklets which we used for our staff’s Bible studies. Every Thursday we had a Bible study with our personnel and we were privileged to use your material. 66% of the 180 staff benefited out your material. Thank you.

We were also able to use the very same material for our youth clubs in  our buildings, thank you once more. The photos were send to you


·         2014

In 2014, we will still be having Bible studies with our staff, and this year we will be using, ‘Transformation’

As you are aware, MES HAS FOUR After School Programs, and each has +- 50 children from grade1-grade 7. Our intention is to use ‘Friends Forever’ for the after school program.

For the youth clubs we are planning to use, G.O.L.D life’

We hope and pray that together we will be able to build the kingdom of God


Thank you and be blessed