After the meeting I met with two ministries which were working in these facilities. They came to visit our office that same week. The one ministry is now involved with five schools. They gave out 1500 booklets to the students the next week. The other ministry is working in a local squatter camp where they are having a Bible School in the area. This is the extra work they do to help people stay out of prison. This is amazing!
The school ministry in Mothlakeng is continuing and increasing. During the Month of March Pastor Israel Lechuti and myself took 1700 booklets to different schools which will start with the program after the school holidays. Please pray for the children that God would bring about complete transformation in their lives. We know that the word of God brings about transformation when the seed is sown into fertile soil.
We have at least 4 new partnerships for the month of March 2014 and we honor God. One of them is traveling to Cape Town and will be doing a missions outreach there. Our partners need constant prayers as they sometimes risk their lives just to go into a area and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just think about it... 3200 studying the scriptures...being changed...going home and making an impact in the lives of their families...their churches...their communities. This is an amazing thought!
Last week I went to a graduation in Sibukeng, accompanied by my sister, Melanie. This is a group of young people who are trained in a skills program which is integrated with the program of the Bible League. Young people are being taught that they can have all the success they want...but without Christ Jesus, it means nothing. It was inspiring to see young people having a zeal for life and a zeal for God and His word. Sixty young people graduated...this is amazing!
Let us do as much as we can do while we can do it...there will come a time when we are not able to do all we want to do. So work while it is still day...