The group involved consisted of 16 young
people between the ages of 10 and 21 – 11 girls and 5 boys. They were all from
the Blackheath suburb between Belville and Stellenbosch in the Western Cape, a
very poor area.
The church has been newly formed in the area
and welcomed BL with open arms to assist them. They hold regular Sunday
services, complemented by sessions with the youth. Although the young people ministered
had a basic grasp of the Christian faith and even knew a few scriptures by
heart, only one owned a Bible. It just shows the need for the Word of God to
come into the hands of those that are so hungry to learn about Him.
The entire group was Afrikaans-speaking.
Working through ‘Gold Life’ wasn't a major problem, but wasn't ideal and I
strongly recommend that the BL look at an Afrikaans translation. This also goes
for the junior material, ‘Friends Forever’. In the Western Cape the large
colored community is mainly Afrikaans-speaking.
I believe young people enjoyed the course. They learned about God’s love and the need
for them to turn to Him and live a live devoted to Him. This is so important in their circumstances where
they get exposed to the most serious of drug abuse and gang culture.
In light of the above, the poor of the
Western Cape must be seen as a very important target area for BLSA. The poverty
here is beyond description and we can do so much to make a difference in their
spiritual lives – and thus their entire beings.
May God provide the harvest. These young
people that attended the course and received the Bibles can also make a real
difference to the people around them. Praise the Lord for His indescribable love
and care for us as sinful beings, but His precious children...